
XPERTBOND is a dry mix compound which when mixed with water, yields a powerful adhesive paste for large surface application which has excellent bonding and compatibility with both cement based material (like concrete and plaster) and rigid plastic, polymer, composite substrates. Since cement based material cannot bond directly with polymeric material, XPERTBOND is used as an intermediary layer to facilitate bonding of two incompatible types. This versatile material can be used in a wide variety of construction application wherever cement comes in contact with polymer or plastic

Fields of Application
  • Laying cement screed or concrete over waterproofing membranes like APP, TPO, EPDM etc.
  • Laying cement screed or concrete over waterproofing coatings like Epoxy, Polyurea
  • Fixing Cement sand plaster on Bison board, Gypsum board, Wood plastic composites
  • Gluing artificial grass to concrete surfaces

  • Excellent bonding with both cement based and plastic based material
  • Single component requires only mixing water at the site
  • Binds 100% contact area of both cement based and plastic based material
  • Self-curing therefore no water sprinkling is required
  • Very economical compared to polymeric adhesives and sealants
  • Suitable for exterior application with high durability
  • Fast and easy application for large surface areas


The substrate must be structurally sound, laitance free, clean and free from dirt, oil, grease, other contaminants and loose or friable particles. Pre-wetting of substrate is not required.


Take a clean container/plastic pail of 25 liters capacity. Add 6 liters of clean, potable water in the container. Add half a bag of XPERTBOND in this pail and mix using a heavy-duty drill (Ф18 mm) with a rust-free paddle at 300-400 rpm. The remaining half bag is added and mixed until a thoroughly blended paste is obtained. Let the mixture stand for 3 minutes and then stir again. Use a plastering trowel to apply this paste on substrate at thickness of 2-3 mm and then make grooves on it using 10 mm notched trowel while it is still wet. Wait for 24 hours to dry it completely. Now apply sand cement plaster on this corrugated layer by usual plastering method and cure the plaster as per normal process.


25 Kgs Polypropylene Bags with PE liner


6 months in original, unopened package


Store in dry area between +5°C and +35°C. Protect from heat, freezing and direct sunlight